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In a world where every content you get has a CTA that sells you something, you wonder how you can create massive value and help an infinite number of people without selling a course, a coaching program, or a product.
In this episode, Sharran takes you behind the scenes of his business model, where he shows you exactly why he does not sell anything, how he came up with that idea, and how he built his life for an infinite scale of goodwill, an infinite scale of content, an infinite scale of time, without ever asking anybody to buy something. He unpacks three lessons that can serve you well if you apply them to your business. So let’s dive in!
If you want to know more about Sharran’s Invite-Only Group:
DM Sharran on IG with the word ICONS
“The fewer things you can sell now, the more things you can sell later.”
– Sharran Srivatsaa
00:00 Behind the scenes of Sharran’s personal business model
01:55 The fundamental theme of today’s episode
02:35 Three things Sharran will share today
04:02 Let’s look at Gary Vaynerchuk as an example
04:25 Lesson #1: How I figured out what my perfect future partner wants
07:37 Lesson #2: I can’t sell time
08:16 Three ways you can work with Sharran
14:46 Lesson #3: Getting people into my world and doing lifetime nurture
16:38 Two things that will happen when you consume Sharran’s cool stuff
17:06 Quick recap of Sharran’s business model
– Get Information about Sharran’s Invite-Only Group – DM Sharran on IG with the word ICONS
– Sharran’s Partnership Program
– Grab Sharran’s 4-Week MBA for Free
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