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Have you ever looked up at the clock at the end of the workday, completely exhausted, yet felt that you didn’t get enough done? Have you been working longer hours but still not seeing the desired results? You wish to develop an efficient and effective way of managing your tasks, but nothing seems to work. But what if someone can show you how to do that?
Today is your lucky day because Sharran shares his framework for achieving 95% efficiency. Tune in to get the strategies and tactics and how to implement them. Doing these things will skyrocket your productivity and allow you to achieve your goals with more time left to spend however you want.
“If you can nail an energy-sensitive calendar around your energy, you win.”
– Sharran Srivatsaa
02:51 What does “organization before execution” mean?
04:05 The two big pieces behind “organization before execution”
11:13 Pro tip on setting up the flow state
14:29 Time-bound projects and why you should set deadlines
16:37 What does efficiency really mean?
16:51 Pro tip for optimal efficiency
18:51 Why must we have energy-sensitive calendars?
19:14 How to design your day based on your biological energy
22:34 Recap of today’s episode
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