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What if you could build a financial safety net that sets you up for lifelong success? In this episode, Sharran introduces his “Financial Home Base” framework, a step-by-step guide to mastering your personal and business finances. Discover how to eliminate financial stress, increase cash flow, and build a system that secures your future.
From tracking your monthly “nut” to accessing capital without idle cash, Sharran shares actionable strategies anyone can implement. Whether you’re just starting or navigating new financial challenges, this episode equips you with the tools to take control and thrive.
Are you ready to secure your financial future? Tune in to learn Sharran’s proven framework and take the first step toward financial freedom!
“Think of the money–every dollar–as an asset. Every dollar needs a job, and if the job for it is to sit in your account and make you feel better about yourself, that’s okay; that’s a job, but it should not be the entire savings.”
– Sharran Srivatsaa
02:33 – Why financial literacy is a critical life skill
02:59 – The importance of knowing your numbers
05:41 – Tools to track and manage monthly expenses
08:07 – Ensuring income is greater than expenses
09:45 – Financial lessons from Warren Buffett and Elon Musk
12:12 – Managing ego while navigating financial challenges
15:30 – Building skills before starting a business
18:41 – Access to cash vs. idle savings
23:49 – Treating money as an asset and putting it to work
27:13 – Recap: Financial Home Base Framework
– Microsoft 365 Copilot for Finance
– Turn Your Active Income into Passive Income
– Grow Faster with Unicorn Assistants
– Join the 10K Wisdom Private Partner Podcast, now available to you for free
– Join Sharran’s VIP Community
– ARC Multifamily Real Estate Investing
– Sharran’s Partnership Program
– Grab Sharran’s 4-Week MBA for Free
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[00:00:00] Hey, this is Sharran Srivatsaa. Welcome back to the Business School Podcast. And did you know that over 63 percent of Americans can’t even afford a 500 emergency fund, or close to 25 percent of Americans actually live paycheck to paycheck, or 40 percent of Americans don’t even know their monthly expenses.
[00:00:17] Now there’s a reason for this, and this is the reason why we have this financial Literacy problem. And if I were to build a financial home base, a way for you to have a safety net to secure a financial future, this is what I would do. A lot of people ask me this question. I thought it would put it all together in a framework and then add it to you.
[00:00:34] Step by step all starting right now.
[00:00:42] One thing is for certain. Just because it’s tried and true doesn’t mean it’s working right now. So the big question is this, where can you learn what is working right now? The strategies, the tactics, the psychology, and the exact how to, how to grow your [00:01:00] business, how to blow up your personal brand and supercharge your personal growth.
[00:01:05] That is the question. And this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Sharran Srivatsaa and welcome to Business School.
[00:01:17] I’m only recording this episode because I, maybe, just like you, I, I just started with nothing, maybe, just like you, I worked hard and built stuff just like you, I went through some crazy times, I made a lot of financial mistakes, maybe, just like you, I, And I’m not a financial advisor. Well, I was, I had, uh, all my series seven, six, six licenses.
[00:01:36] I was a banker at Goldman Sachs and credits. We, so I understand the money management part. I’m going to actually break down for you the financial home based concept. This is a concept that I built for myself. When I realized that this entire game of capitalism. Is a game and I just didn’t know the rules and if I had the right pieces in place, I would probably learn the rules as I went along because no one was going to teach me the rules.
[00:01:59] And so I [00:02:00] want to wanted to build a safety net and secure my financial future. So I built this financial home based concept. Now all I’m going to do is I’m going to share this financial home based concept with you. There’s a lot of gurus, money coaches, financial advisors, coaches, and consultants that will agree or disagree with the things that I share about, but it’s okay because this is mine and this is the framework that works for me.
[00:02:19] And I have a track record to prove that it works and hopefully you can learn something from this too. So please think about this, talk to your advisors, and I’m just going to give you a framework for how I think about the world. This is the financial home base, how to build a safety net and secure your future.
[00:02:33] Right? So. Why does all this matter? I shared that, you know, 63 percent of Americans can’t even afford a 500 emergency fund leaving so many of us trapped in this high interest debt cycle, right? And this lack of financial planning leads to a lot of stress and missed opportunities, because if your cashflow.
[00:02:49] is not in a good spot, you can’t think about a lot of other things. And I got a four kind of quick pieces to the puzzle. But the fear is the first one. So let’s get right into it. The first one is to know [00:03:00] your numbers. And most people don’t know what that means. They think they have to memorize everything.
[00:03:04] And you don’t you just need to know the key pieces of the puzzle. So section Part one, puzzle piece one is to know your numbers. And the reason is 40 percent of Americans don’t even track their monthly expenses. And the funny part is there’s nothing more boring than sitting down and looking at your monthly credit card statements or looking at your bank statements.
[00:03:23] And you kind of sorta know, but it’s actually depressing for most people. In fact, even for the wealthy. They don’t like doing it. Did you know that most wealthy people still get the American express or credit card statements in paper form so that they have this feeling that when it comes to their house, they open it up and they’ll actually look at it because you know, rich people know that if it’s upon them to have to go to online, to look and review a statement, they won’t do it.
[00:03:46] So instead they just get it delivered in paper form and they just glance through it because they know it’ll get delivered and they always have a look at it. It’s, it’s pretty amazing actually on how to use the. Paper version to stay in touch with all of these things. But [00:04:00] we know that Peter Drucker quote that says, you know, what gets measured, gets managed, and that’s cool.
[00:04:05] What, what gets measured, gets managed is one part of the quote. I’ll, I’ll tell you the second is what gets measured and reported improves exponentially. Most people just measure it, but don’t report it. And, but reporting it’s important. I have a friend who during the COVID timeframe, her business got dramatically hit and she was a marketing consultant.
[00:04:23] Uh, her name was Emily. And she. Literally saved her business because she knew her expenses inside out. She cut 40 percent of expenses after identifying all the spending, just tracking her expenses, gave her clarity to make smart financial decisions. She was able to instantly write it down in 30 to 60 days, 40 percent of our expenses.
[00:04:40] Now, not everybody can do this, but she knew exactly what it was. And, and she was able to rightsize her business very quickly. So here is. Advice number one, it would be strange if you did not know your monthly nut, like core expenses for you to live, maybe rent, utilities, groceries, etc. Right. So I actually recommend that [00:05:00] most entrepreneurs, business owners know two numbers.
[00:05:03] They know the monthly nut for their business, and they know their monthly not for their lifestyle, right? So the monthly not for home, which is what you’re paying yourself. And without changing, Anything, what does it take to live? And then a monthly enough for your business. Maybe, maybe you have a one employee, a virtual assistant, a bunch of subscriptions, you have office space, you have your zoom, you have your email, whatever you have some monthly, that’s your monthly not right.
[00:05:24] So you have a monthly not on your business expenses and you have a monthly not on your lifestyle. You need to know those two numbers because knowing those numbers allows you to plan around everything else. And I will tell you, most people, 40 to 50 percent of people could not tell me. Each of their monthly nuts, which is crazy.
[00:05:41] Now here’s the best part. There are tools, free tools that help you actually get to this monthly nut number. And you can use tools like a that was just bought by Intuit or there’s a Microsoft money co pilot that you just plug into your bank account. You plug in your credit cards and it automatically gives you a [00:06:00] P and L statement, which is pretty amazing.
[00:06:01] Like the amount of AI and sophistication software that can just take. All your kind of current details with your credit card, your debit card, your bank account, and come up with a monthly net statement. It’s pretty amazing. You’re crazy not to do it, right? But if you wanted to do it personally, it would be really simple.
[00:06:16] You just go to the last three months of bank statements, last three months of credit cards, look at them, average them out. And find a number, like, at least you have a starting point in all of this. And it’s shocking to me that people don’t, I’ll tell you why this is important. Last but not least, you got to check your, I say, one of the best practices that, you know, my managing partner Goldman Sachs told me, he’s like, he’s like, Hey, sure.
[00:06:37] I’m for your personal finance. You got to just like you wake up and you check your weight every morning, or just like you wake up and you check the weather every morning, or just like you wake up and you check your, you know, your HRV every morning, you need to wake up and check your bank balance every morning, just wake up.
[00:06:50] Log into your bank accounts, check your bank balance every morning. And you know, the crazy part is sometimes you’ll see expenses. Sometimes you’ll see notifications. Sometimes you’ll see wire fraud. Sometimes you’ll start to see the growth in money. You’ll start to [00:07:00] understand what there is. Just knowing the data is really, really helpful.
[00:07:02] Just wake up and check your bank account daily because no one can take away that knowledge from you. So that’s kind of number one is to know your numbers first, calculate your monthly net, both for. Business and personal number to use some kind of tool like or money copilot to just automatically track your expenses.
[00:07:20] It’s even better if you’re running a business and you don’t have someone doing your bookkeeping and you think you’re going to do your bookkeeping yourself, you’re crazy. You’re not a bookkeeping expert unless you’re the bookkeeping business. Like I’ll tell you, you know, I work with. Haven financial, and they do all our back office bookkeeping.
[00:07:33] They, for all our companies and all our entities, they do all the bookkeeping. And I don’t have to worry because they look at the stripe and they look at the PayPal and the look at the bank account. And they look at the credit cards and they look at whatever needs to have happened and they reconcile everything.
[00:07:46] And I get. A monthly P and L, and then I can just go through it and figure out, Oh, okay. Is this right? Or is this wrong? And then I can make adjustments on how I want it categorized or reported. So it gives me a good picture of my business. You are crazy not to have someone like a Haven financial in your back pocket where they do [00:08:00] all your bookkeeping for you.
[00:08:00] Right. And last but not least, just wake up and check your bank account every morning. That’s it. Number one, here’s number two is we need to get to this financial home based concept. We need to figure out how to get to income greater than expenses. So now the reason I’m suggesting this to you is there’s a lot of ideas out there around Hey cash flow is the most important thing or passive income is the most important thing or net worth is the most important thing or Or what have you right?
[00:08:25] But the end of the day, it’s really simple. You have income and you have expenses And if you can have more income than expenses, you’re in a stable enough place where you can think about bigger things. The number one most important thing is to get our income greater than our expenses, right? People will say, Oh, you know, uh, I’m waiting for the right job or I’m waiting for the right idea, or I don’t want to drive Uber, or I don’t want to do this freelancing.
[00:08:48] I’m in this job. I hate it, but it still pays. I’m just here because it pays my bills. All of that’s great. If your income is not greater than your expenses, you have this overwhelming stress that you can’t think about the next big thing. [00:09:00] So if you’re in a place where you want to make a change, that’s okay.
[00:09:03] You want your income to be greater than your expenses. Income greater than expenses first creates stability. And once you have the stability, you can think bigger. Without the stability, it’s very hard to think bigger because then you operate from a place of an inherent fear. And then you have no way to think about a bigger and better future.
[00:09:19] All right. Just so you know, the average household spends 22 percent of their income on non essential items. Right. Essentially, 22 percent is luxury, meaning those are the stuff they want. Those are the stuff. They don’t even know subscriptions that they have. Those are the stuff that there is. They’ve been spending 22 percent of income to take, take 100, 22 of, of that is going into non essential items.
[00:09:42] Right? Think about that for a second. I say this because there’s this great Warren Buffett quote. He says, if you buy things you don’t need, soon you will sell things that you do. Say it again. If you buy things that you don’t need, soon you will sell things that you do. And if you’re not familiar with the story, whether you like him or not, I know he has a very [00:10:00] polarizing personality.
[00:10:01] But Elon Musk in his early days of building Tesla and SpaceX, he lived on 1 a day. Focused all his resources on the businesses. I mean, he was a burn the boats kind of guy and this discipline allowed him to attract investors in scaleless ventures. If you showed your investors that you are all in, they’re just like, you know what, I’m just going to go down with this guy because he’s just going to make it work until he has a last breath in his body.
[00:10:22] When investors believe that they’ll do anything for you. Right. So super, super. Super high level on this one. You know, income needs to be greater than expenses, so identify and eliminate the way you get income greater than expenses as a baseline. A lot of people tell you it’s not an income problem. Don’t skip on your law, take, et cetera.
[00:10:39] Well, I’m sorry. Like if your income is not greater than your expenses and you don’t have a way to get out of it, you should just eliminate as many expenses as possible. The fastest way to get to get your income greater than expenses is to turn expenses down. Not forever for now, just so you get into a much more stable place, right?
[00:10:56] I’ll give you one more thing. Assign if you’ve not noticed this and you are [00:11:00] running a business or in your personal life, you can call your credit card company and ask for a secondary card. It’s the same name, same everything. It’s just a secondary card to organize your expenses and you assign all subscriptions.
[00:11:11] to a one card. So what I mean by that is like, let’s say you have Netflix, let’s say that you have cable, let’s say you have your phone bill, things that are recurring that happen continuously that get billed every single month, put it all on one card, you’ll start to see how many subscriptions that you have, because when they’re all combined on one card, you don’t know which is recurring and which is not.
[00:11:28] But when you see the recurring only expenses all on one card, you’ll be like, Ah, do I need that? Do I not need that you’ll realize that Close to 70 percent of your expenses. 80 percent of your expenses are all recurring and that gets you closer to understanding your monthly not and whether you need whatever you need.
[00:11:42] I will tell you with my children, with my family, it’s not a lot because I’m on top of this. I check my Apple subscriptions. I check my monthly card subscription. I check it weekly. I just go through it because I check it all the time. And I always catch stuff. I’m like, Hey, here’s a 99 that I did not see.
[00:11:59] And [00:12:00] then I realized that it’s a fraud charge. I had to go back and like report it. If I didn’t catch that, it would happen for 10 months before I caught it. So, and here’s the last part of it. And, and forgive me for sharing this with you there when your income is not greater than your expenses. It’s very hard on the ego, especially if you had a really good life before.
[00:12:19] So I know people who’ve made, Hey, you know what? I’ve been making a million dollars a year. Suddenly I changed careers. I had a walkabout and went and did had a different life. Now I don’t have enough money. And now you have an ego. Your ego is tied to your past status, your past successes, your past wealth, your past richness, your past income greater than expenses.
[00:12:38] But you don’t have that today. So because of that, you just feel really terrible driving an older car. or not wearing the nicer clothes. Well, if that’s the case, then it’s just, just know that it’s just temporary, right? I have a friend who had this really, I’ll tell you exactly what he did. He was making a million dollars a year and he, uh, decided to give that life up [00:13:00] because he was not interested in anymore.
[00:13:01] And he wanted to go to the wellness life. He became a monk and then the monk thing didn’t work for him. He became a coach and now he’s doing better. Well, He had to get a job and people knew his background. They knew of his success and he had to get a job, but he drove a really old kind of Honda Civic where every, all the other salespeople and coaches, et cetera, were driving these BMWs.
[00:13:20] So what he, what he did was he had to overcome his ego. So he would literally park his car in the adjacent parking lot and he would walk to his office building so that no one would see the car that he drove. And he knew that he only had to do this for three or four months before he got his income back up and he can get the car that he wanted.
[00:13:37] Yeah, you can’t just tell yourself, Oh yeah, I got to be okay with driving the Civic. It’s not that. It’s that he just realized that the reason why he was upset Or why he felt self conscious was because if someone saw him get into his old Civic, they would judge him for not having the success that they thought he would have had.
[00:13:54] So he just parked it in the lot next door. Right. Or when it comes to topics of going out or having money, just [00:14:00] refrain from the conversation, just say, Hey, guys, I got to jump back to work and just go back to work. And that’s totally okay. The key part here is know that income greater than expenses is temporary.
[00:14:10] You just got to get to income greater than expenses. When you get the income greater than expenses, you get the stability. Once you get the stability, you can make better decisions. Till you get income greater than expenses, you got to do whatever it takes to be ultra humble, to get income greater than expenses.
[00:14:22] Without doing that, your financial home base will always be broken. Quick heads up. If you’re an entrepreneur, business owner, or executive, listen up. If you don’t have a virtual assistant team or offshore team yet, you’re doing it the hard way. Look, I’ve hired 11 plus virtual assistants just in the last two years, just on Chiron brand.
[00:14:42] And since then, my brand has over five times, 500%. No exaggeration. I used to do everything myself or pay bloated U. S. salaries, but hiring offshore has been a total game changer. So here’s the deal. Finding a great VA honestly is not that easy. Vetting, interviewing, onboarding. It’s a lot. [00:15:00] That’s why I work with Assistantly.
[00:15:01] They handle all of it. Job descriptions, headhunting, interviews, onboarding, even setting you up for success. The whole shebang. You get. Three to four top tier candidates to choose from super quick. And they don’t stop until you’re set up for success. I work with assistantly, my network works with assistantly.
[00:15:17] And if you’re serious about growing and scaling your business, you should work with assistantly too. Uh, check them out at Let’s get back to the show. Here’s number three. It just, you need to build some skills before you build a business. I see this often in entrepreneurs and they just get really frustrated.
[00:15:38] They’re like, Hey, I jump into the sales business. I’m a better salesperson. So I’m going to go start a sales company or ham in this business. I’m coaching people in my business. Well, If I’m coaching people, then I should just go start a coaching company. You know, Hey, you’re like, Hey, maybe you’re a really good electrician and you’re working for a company and the jobs are going well and you’re making good money, but you get early irritated that they’re getting, the company is [00:16:00] getting paid more than you are.
[00:16:01] So you want to split off and do your own thing. And you want to become the boss and you want to create the company. We’ll think about this, build skills before you build a business, right? And a lot of people don’t understand this. 20 to 25 percent of small businesses fail in their first year due to the lack of capital and preparation.
[00:16:14] And most of the preparation is because of the ego of the operator. I’ll give you an example. Sarah Blakely, who you know, is a billionaire founder of Spanx. She worked as a fax machine salesperson before launching Specs, she learned the sales and learned sales skills and understanding customer psychology.
[00:16:30] She developed the skills to scale her own business. You’re not born with the skills of being an entrepreneur. You’re not born with the risk of being an entrepreneur. You don’t have the average person just starting out doesn’t have hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars lying around to start a business.
[00:16:43] And so now you put on more stress on yourself and you don’t have the skills of the experience doing that. Just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean that you need to go build a business around it. Just because you’re good at something means that you need to do more of the thing that you’re good at.
[00:16:55] So if you’re a salesperson and you can join a team that gives you [00:17:00] the leads, that gives you the infrastructure and you can just go sell and crush it day to day, you should do that up until the point where you know. That it’s not about your ego anymore, but it’s a much better business decision for you to start a scaling company because then just know this, you’re not doing the thing that you’re good at anymore.
[00:17:14] You’re just doing the thing that you think you’re good at, which is selling, but now you’re running a business that is about selling, not selling. So now it’s completely different. Right? So, but you got to get your income greater than your expenses first. You got to master the skill. Once you master the skill, you understand the nuances.
[00:17:29] Maybe sales or marketing or design or like, you know, being an electrician or being a plumber or whatever. And I will tell you, it’s not a bad idea. It’s actually a good idea to work for an established company. Or infrastructure or team to gain the experience and resources before launching your own venture.
[00:17:44] Like I’ll tell you, after business school, I could have started anything that I wanted, but I went to become a banker at Goldman Sachs for a reason. Because I wanted to see how a big successful, what is, what is the best, biggest financial institution in the world? How would they operate? And how can I stay [00:18:00] close proximity to their money?
[00:18:00] Can it give me A sense of this, you know, where I can be and what I can do and how I can build. And it gives me standards. It helps me realize that I’m the small and significant person in the sea of opportunity. It helped me understand what can be possible. It’s totally OK to work for an established company.
[00:18:18] I want my own company. I want my own brokerage. I want my own agency. I want my own AI business. I want my own startup. That’s all great. That’s very ego driven. That’s totally fine. But how can you have the best of everything? Think about it that way. It’s not about the ego. It’s not about the status. It’s about your success.
[00:18:32] So put yourself in your zone of genius as much as you can until the point where it’s unbearable anymore. And last but not least, here’s this part. The number one mistake that people make is they think about savings, not access to savings. I’ll say it again. Think about access, not just a savings. 69 percent of small business owners don’t have access to emergency funding.
[00:18:53] Like, as you can tell, like I did some research on this. Close to 70 percent of small business owners don’t have access to emergency [00:19:00] funding. So if the small business is running kind of like pitter patter over time and something dramatic happens like a COVID or there’s a natural disaster, etc. They go out of business.
[00:19:09] Access to cash is better than idle cash. I’ll say it again. Access to cash is better than idle cash. What you want is you don’t want money sitting around in a bank account. That is just idle cash. Lazy cash as my coach, Joey Muria would say it. Access to cash is better than idle cash. So like, for example, in the pandemic, there was a bakery in New York City that I read the story about.
[00:19:29] And he 000 to cover payroll and rent. And this saved the business during the pandemic. COVID time, which is crazy because it was not that he needed to have 50, 000 to tap in a savings account. He just needed to have access to that money. So how do you get access? A lot of people think only the rich have access to capital, but you don’t.
[00:19:48] There’s a lot more ways to get access to capital. It’s your job to engineer access to capital because otherwise you’re putting your savings and your investments at risk by keeping them as idle and lazy cash. So here’s a couple of ideas. Number one, If [00:20:00] you are a business owner and you’ve been in business at least 12 or 18 months, you should go to your local bank branch, the bank that you bank with.
[00:20:06] Hopefully they’re a large commercial bank and large commercial banks have small business operations, et cetera. And you should say, Hey, here are my PNLs and here’s my tax return for the last one to two years. I’m thinking about building and growing this business because I’ve proven XYZ. I’d like to talk to you about Having a business line of credit.
[00:20:21] I don’t need anything right now. I just want to have something just in case I can plan for the future. The most important part is finding the truth that you don’t need something right now, because banks want to lend to people who don’t need the money, right? Why would a bank lend money to Elon? Why would a bank lend money to Jeff Bezos?
[00:20:38] Why would a bank lend money to Warren Buffett? Because they know that they’re going to get repaid. They don’t need the money. That’s what you need to tell the bank. Hey, I don’t need this. But just in case I need it for the future, would you be willing to structure some, a deal with me, and then they’ll give you some options and you ask for better options.
[00:20:52] And finally, you’re going to have a line of credit access to capital that you never even had before this way. Now you don’t really need to put that level of [00:21:00] cash aside, right? Which is great. The second is it’s actually not a bad idea to just check borrowing power across credit cards and other financial products.
[00:21:07] So if you have say one or two credit cards and you know that you can borrow 50, 000 from your credit card, well, That’s great. You don’t need to have 50, 000 in savings because the emergency fund is what it is. It’s emergency, right? If something is an emergency, it let it be an emergency. What you need at that time is not the pain of like repayment is the pain of making it work at that time.
[00:21:30] So if you just had access to the capital, you can figure out everything else later. The emergency for most people, the emergencies never even occur. And so we’re going to tie up important resources for that. That makes no sense. You still want to prepare, you know, you don’t can’t predict, but you can’t prepare to get a business line of credit, or just make sure you know how much you can borrow from your credit cards.
[00:21:49] Uh, last but not least, a lot of people don’t realize this is that you can borrow from your existing investments. One of the things that we do for our family is we’ve built our own bank. If you’re not familiar with this concept, it’s called [00:22:00] the infinite banking concept. Infinite banking, it takes a series of really well designed, You know, whole life insurance policies that act as a system called a passive income operating system.
[00:22:11] So it’s your own bank. And as you put money into your policies, you can then borrow back from your policies. And your policies are protected, they’re asset protected, they continuously grow with the market, they’re structured in a way that they can pass through generations and time, it can be built into trust, you build your own bank.
[00:22:30] And a lot of times, instead of just saving money in your checking account, which is lazy cash, could you actually fund Feed a cashflow system or your own bank. What if you could just put money in your own bank? That’s a great concept, right? So my advisors, uh, Russ Morgan and Joey Mirai run world without wall street, check them out.
[00:22:45] and they help you design and build these. Really sophisticated and thoughtful, infinite banking systems called the passive income operating system. It’s a bank for yourself and your family. So instead of just putting money in Bank of America, you can put [00:23:00] it into this bank that you can borrow from, that you can use for your children for the next generation to buy a house, to start a business.
[00:23:05] And the best part is the cash values from these policies are actually considered a core portion of your personal financial statement as your, as your net worth, which is insanely powerful. So if you’re not thinking about. This, the main idea is that you don’t need savings. You need access to cash, access to cash, access to capital, access to resources is way more important than I’ll cash sitting around.
[00:23:26] You may only be able to put, put aside 25, 50, a hundred thousand dollars aside for a, for a emergency fund. And you feel pretty happy about that. But what if you could just had access to 500, 000 worth of stuff that you could borrow anytime you wanted and that emergency never happened. Now you get to use the a hundred thousand dollars that you have put away in lazy cash and a much more thoughtful way.
[00:23:45] Here’s the last part, which goes to that last, the lazy cash comment I talked about, which is you want to treat money as an asset. And most people don’t. Uh, most people have been taught this idea that, Hey, you know, you got to save every dollar and, uh, make sure you pay yourself [00:24:00] first. So you can see yourself, say you can say, uh, you can save first and let’s see what’s in your checking account.
[00:24:05] I’ll wake up in the morning and look at what’s in my checking. Most wealthy people don’t hold onto that much cash, right? And the way you want to think about it is think about money like an employee. Like let’s say you had a hundred dollars, right? And let’s say each dollar was an employee. I’m totally making this up as a figurative thing, right?
[00:24:22] And so you walk into the office and let’s say you had a hundred employees and all of them were sitting around twiddling their thumbs. Well, how would you feel that doesn’t make any sense, right? The reason we see money as a thing that we put in our mattress or leave in our, in our savings account is you think you look at it as a store of value.
[00:24:38] You don’t look at it as an asset and asset needs to be able to put to work. If you had, imagine those instead of having a hundred dollars, you had a hundred rental properties. Would you not rent those out? Imagine if you had a, instead of having the a hundred of those, you had a hundred boats. Would you not rent those out?
[00:24:54] Imagine if you had a hundred, uh, boats. I don’t know, bulldozers, would you not actually put them to use somewhere [00:25:00] in a construction site? Think of the money, every dollar as an asset, every dollar needs a job. And if it’s if the job for it is to sit in your account to make you feel better about yourself, that’s okay, that’s a job, but there should not be the entire savings, right?
[00:25:15] That’s why you need the access. Cause once you have the access to cash, you don’t worry about that, but every dollar should have a job. If you’re not familiar with this amazing story, sees candies, which is an iconic American brand was doing the same exact thing. They used to generate so much cash, but they didn’t know what to do with it.
[00:25:29] So they just would leave it on their balance sheets. When Warren Buffett realized that Warren Buffett. bought See’s Candy at Bush Hathaway, and then for all the cash that kept coming in, he would fund other investments. And this, he took like a 25 billion purchase of See’s Candy, and he turned it into billions of dollars by keeping money in constant motion because he realized that the money was Every, you know, money is like an employee and it should always be working for you.
[00:25:54] Money is an asset and should always be working for you. And cash just loses purchasing power at an average [00:26:00] rate of one to 5 percent annually based on inflation. We know that. So if you had a hundred dollars today, it’s worth a lot less than that tomorrow, but you got to make it. Otherwise you just have an employee sitting around.
[00:26:09] So every dollar has a cost and the return it could generate elsewhere. A dollar in a 0 percent savings account could earn 5 percent bonds or 8 percent in stocks or 5. 5 percent in your insurance policy or 9. 5 percent in a real estate syndication opportunity that I currently am invested in with ARK Multifamily Group.
[00:26:25] Whatever it may be, just having that is really important and treating money like a warehouse or a bulldozer. It’s meant to produce value, not to sit idle. So you’ve got to deploy money into opportunities that create cashflow or built in long term assets. You’re either saying, Hey, this is going to create some cashflow.
[00:26:38] Or it’s going to build me some longterm wealth, right? Some people have a net cashflow versus net worth kind of way to think about the world. It doesn’t matter as long as you are building for the future. It’s, it’s a good, it’s a good thing. But at the end of the day, you got to treat money like an asset.
[00:26:51] You got to put money to work. You wake up in the morning, you go to work, your money wakes up in the morning, your money goes to work. Very simple. This is the way to win. You wake up in the morning, [00:27:00] you go to work, your money wakes up in the morning and money goes to work. If that doesn’t happen, then you’re going to work harder and harder and you’re not going to see scale at all.
[00:27:08] So. Income generating or net worth generating opportunities are really, really powerful. So let me summarize for you really quick. I gave you five big ideas. Number one, know your numbers or just track your expenses and focus on that. Number two, dramatically lower unnecessary income because you want to make sure your income is greater than your expenses, because if it’s not, Then you’re not in a good space in your state to actually make bigger and better decisions.
[00:27:29] Number three, build a skill before building a business for long term success, right? Because you want your skill and you want to work in your zone of genius, and you want the skill to make money. You want to know that, Hey, at any given time, I can actually do this thing to actually create revenue, which is good.
[00:27:43] Number four, you want access to money is greater than just savings. So look at the business line of credit or what your credit cards can actually give you in an emergency or build your bank, which is the Passive income operating system with, you know, with my friends at Wall Street and how they actually design this stuff.
[00:27:58] And the last but not least, you got to treat [00:28:00] money as an asset. Think about every dollar like it’s an employee. And what is that employee doing for you today? Are you giving all your employees a day off today? Or are they doing something else today? Treat your money as an asset and always wake up at work for you.
[00:28:12] Remember this, you wake up in the morning and you go to work, you wake up in the morning and your money goes to work. And that’s when good things start to happen. Hey, this was my way of building this financial home based system for you. There’s one of two things that are probably important right now.
[00:28:24] Number one, either you are going through something like this, where you kind of need some piece of this puzzle, or I guarantee you know somebody that needs to hear this. There’s no way that it’s not either you or someone that, you know, needs to hear an episode like this. So just, if you think this is helpful, just please send it to that person.
[00:28:39] But most importantly, if you like this, just a screenshot this episode and tag me and so that I can make more like this for you. I hope this was helpful and I’ll catch you on the next one.
[00:28:55] Hey, it’s Sharran, I have a cool gift for you. Since you like this podcast, I actually have an ultra super secret private podcast that I make just for my partner companies and the CEOs and influencers that I advise. It’s called 10 K wisdom because I try to wrap 10, 000 worth of value in every single episode in just under 10 minutes.
[00:29:19] That’s why it’s called 10 K wisdom. It’s raw. It’s real. It’s got no intro or outro or anything like that. It’s just straight to the point and to the insights. Since you like this podcast, I think you will like that. So for the first time, I’m making it available to you. Just go to the number 10K and my team will activate it for you as my gift. Go to I’ll see you there.