Branding Santa Claus


#DailyMojo | Sharran Srivatsaa

I was having an interesting conversation on branding with a bunch of startup CEOs that I mentor. It was one of those discussions that I wish I could have just recorded or put on facebook live!

Everyone talks about branding. And how much you can spend getting exposure for your brand. Build a brand. Build a brand. Build a brand. Thats what everyone says…. Right? Well, This mastermind group crushed that idea and said there was a step before that which most brands were missing these days:

“If you can’t brand yourself in two to five words you don’t understand your brand.”

Before you start thinking about what it means for your personal brand, take a step back and read that sentence again. The insight is not in the first half of the sentence, but in the second half which talks about understanding your brand. The two to five words is just a manifestation of the understanding of your brand. Understanding of your value proposition. Understanding of why anyone should care about you and your brand. The reason why you exist that makes you get up in the morning everyday.

We did a roundtable and worked on each company’s brand. It was one of the most powerful and impactful sessions of 2017 for me.

When we were done, one of the CEOs took the learnings and told this fun story about Christmas and he said:

“Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas” is Santa’s brand.
He delivers presents on a flying sleigh.

Beat that.

What is your brand in two to five words that nobody else can claim as their own?


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Sharran Srivatsaa | Read Bio
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